Welcome to our 35th Annual Conference
10th - 13th July 2025

Piki ake koe ngā taumata mātauranga 

kia whakawhanui ake to tirohanga

The higher you climb

The wider your horizons

E nga iwi e nga mana e ga reo, nga hau e wha tena koutou tena koutou tena koutou katoa. Warm greetings and a huge welcome to Conference 2025.

To our sponsors – thank you for your continued support, thank you for helping to make our annual conference the success that it is each year and we do look forward to positive, reciprocal support in the future. Nga mihi mahana kia koutou katoa.

At conference 2023 the conference theme was “Re-setting the education agenda”.  We heard you loud and clear – there needs to be system change, more focused support on our students is of utmost importance.  Better support for our principals and teachers who can then focus on quality teaching and learning for all. More support for school boards to continue to equip them with the skills, the tools, the knowledge and the confidence to support their schools.  A system that allows teachers to teach so our students are able to enjoy learning to become better versions of themselves.  That the school environment continues to enable all students to excel irrespective of which government is in place and regardless of the students’ background. 

At our 2024 conference the conference theme was “Be the Change”.  Minister Seymour said, “Our education system stands and falls on this governance”.  Minister Standford said, “The road ahead is tough, it’s important we work together – it matters what you do”. 

This year our conference theme is “Make the Difference”.  What do we as Boards need to do to enable us to make that difference? The role of a school board is not easy but as you all know – anything worth doing for is never.  This is worth it.

Effective governance challenges boards in respect of where their own governance thinking is at.   As boards we need to focus on what we determine governance to be and concentrate on enhancing student achievement.  How do we know that the decisions we make at the board table are making a difference - that those decisions we make are helping our schools shape a world leading education system into the future????

The wonderful array of workshops on offer here at conference can only enhance your role as a “school board member”.  60 workshops on offer so take time to browse through them – we know there will be something there for all of you.  During the breaks take time to talk to our sponsors – they can also help to shift your thinking.  ENJOY LEARNING!  ENJOY CONFERENCE 2025.

If this is your first time at conference – welcome!.  If your whole school board is here including your staff rep, your student rep and your principal – well done. 

As always this is an annual chance to re-establish those networks that you built from the last conference so, enjoy what we hope will be another wonderful, successful learning experience. 

See you all in Christchurch

Nga mihi aroha

Lorraine Kerr MNZM


Te Whakaroputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa

New Zealand School Boards Association

Preferred partners:

Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa Conference 2025

Conference organisers: The Conference Company
Email: tewhakaroputangaconference@theconferencecompany.com

Phone:  +64 9 360 1240

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